Hanging GoGuardian publicly hahahaha dead hahahaha Back8/23/2024
Why?so you don't have to be restricted when on dat Chromebook :)
it started a while back, i was fed up with the constant restrictions at skool, so i made GoGuardian and iBoss my sworn enemies >:(
What?i call it "hanging", or "taking it to the gallows". it freezes the extension in an eternal loop of waiting for itself to load
How?create 2 bookmarks. you can name them whatever they want, but they should point to
"chrome://kill" and
right click the pesky extension's icon and click "Manage extension", and then copy the ID in the url, or wherever you can find it.
then, type
"chrome-extension://{ID}/manifest.json". replacing {ID} with the ID on your clipboard, duh...
then when you're on that page, click the kill bookmark, refresh quickly, and then spam the hang bookmark with all your might.
if it seems to be loading something, great! you overloaded it, now it can't do anything